Online Quran Reading with Bequra

To Read and Learn Quran is compulsory for every men and women within Islam to know the actual philosophy of Islam is its the principle guideline book for us who help us to regulate our daily life matters. Now the questions comes where and how to learn Quran, there are 2 ways to read and learn Quran i.e.

  1. Online with help of Qari Tutor
  2. Offline within presence of Qari

As Technology is changing with immense pace, its created a lot of opportunities within this field as well. Now, you can educate your kids online with the help of few software and you are set to go. With this a question comes into mind which agency / company to be selected so mistakes which you come across while reading QURAN can be taken care off. There are many Online Quran Portal available which are doing a great job but they are doing with old tradition method such as:

  1. Tracking of Your Lessons
  2. Performance of Kid
  3. Evaluation / Result of Kid
  4. Attendance System

With this we purposed a System with the name of Bequra – Our Mission & Aim to Teach Kids in such a way so we are teaching them in a true spirit of Islam so it can change their life. We are trying to evolving the life