New 9th Computer Text Book – Rawalpindi Board
The 2020 has been immensely unpredicted year for sure, firstly the COVID19 has affected alot the education sector. There have been rumors about changing the computer text book completely and introducing the new book version. But somehow it was not sure that the book will be launched or not because changing the text book in the middle of year is not quite easy for various reason.
- Firstly, there are two version of books i.e. Urdu and English medium. Its never easy to cover the course in the Mid of year as the students have been studying the older version book and covered almost 4 chapter and now they have to plan a new circular plan for the new book.
- Due to COVID19 the students were not expecting the schools to be opened.
Keeping all of these concerns in mind, the Board has finally announced the book but there are mistakes in the book which need to be corrected as well.
For example in Chapter # 1 Problem Solving While explaining the flow chart how to calculate the Average the approach is used of product whereas the average is calculated by adding all the given numbers and divided by total number
Avg = n01+n1+n2+n3+n4/4
instead of the above logic to be used the book writer has used the logic as below so this type of type error is called logical error. These are the most difficult errors to locate or to find
Avg = n01*n1*n2*n3*n4/4